Monday, April 18, 2016

So much as Changed. Life in pieces.

Does anyone's life ever remain as it is. No. Do we do the same thing day in and day out. Sort of. I see my last blog entry was back in 2010. I think. I performed my solo shows on Second Life regularly, but then I got another job at a church that took me away from there. It left little time for me to do what I truly loved. Performing. I had an adult choir, a youth band and had started putting together a children's choir before I left. "You left?" you ask. Yes I did. I had to have an total ankle replacement in 2011. Something I thought would help change my life for the better. When the surgeon opened my foot he was greeted to a mess of fractured bones. I can't have MRI's due to past surgeries and metal already inside me and a Cat scan does not give as clear a picture. The surgeon did the best he could with what he had. After I was convalescing (a word my children loath), I saw that the recovery was not going as well as anticipated. Also, my mother, who dropped everything to help me, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It turned into 4 years of ups and downs. I am tired now. but so much has happened. Going to bid you a good night and I hope to be back soon.

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